Thank you to the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF) for the continued support of the Foundation and our programs! Since 2001, more than $65 million dollars has been appropriated by the Florida Legislature for the School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program. As part of a $6 million grant from the State of Florida’s School District Education Foundation Matching Grant statewide, we have received $134K to match private dollars 1:1 in our community to support public education.
For Seminole this year, these funds will be used to support a number of different education initiatives including: Grants for Great Ideas, Tools 4 Seminole Schools, Professional Development for Teachers and Principals, and the Environmental Studies Center/Mudwalk.
We thank our local legislators, Sen. Jason Brodeur, Rep. Rachel Plakon, Rep. David Smith Rep. Susan Plasencia, and Rep. Doug Bankson, for their continued support of the state matching funds that provide support for student in need within our school district and throughout the state. We appreciate your commitment to the students of Seminole County Public Schools!