Thank you to Orlando Health for investing in future healthcare professionals through Seminole County Public Schools!
Their $50,000 grant to The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools supported the revitalization of the Academy of Health Careers (AOHC) magnet program at Seminole High School.
With the support of this grant funding, students within the magnet program will be provided a seamless, integrated curriculum and an enhanced selection of career and academic opportunities. This program is responsive to student and industry needs, allows students to
personalize experiences, and ensures all students graduate with the skills to enter
the workplace or pursue higher education. Key elements of the refresh have been
identified based on feedback from industry partners, including Orlando Health, and in
consultation with postsecondary healthcare facilities.
This revitalization aligns with Florida’s Regional Demand Occupations List by strengthening the pipeline for Health Technicians, Licensed Practical & Vocational Nurses, Medical & Clinical Laboratory Technicians and a number of other healthcare professions by ensuring graduates are provided high-quality instruction and authentic hands-on experience using industry-standard equipment.
Thank you to Orlando Health for helping to provide the students of Seminole County Public Schools with an authentic and relevant foundation to explore a variety of healthcare careers!