For 35 years, this community has entrusted us with a generous pool of resources to make a significant, lasting impact on our high-achieving school district. 2021 was no different. We made the most of every donation, grant, and volunteer and can report with confidence that together, we are making a difference.
Our standard for positive impact has risen with the needs of the teachers, staff, and students we serve. This year, with your partnership, we achieved new levels of support for critical programs funding over $4.5 million in distribution including Families in Need (FIN), classroom grants, school supply kits, scholarships, and more. In addition, we continued to celebrate excellence and connect businesses with schools in innovative and meaningful ways.
We remain steadfast in our mission to secure funding, foster involvement, and recognize outstanding efforts to ultimately improve student achievement.
As we reflect on 2021, we see the ripple effect of the last 35 years. Each stuffed backpack, STEM grant, and senior scholarship represents countless lives touched directly and indirectly in big and small ways. In light of increasing needs, victories of all kinds are exciting and rewarding to consider.
We invite you to celebrate these successes within our 2020 – 2021 Annual Report as if they are your own because they are. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.