When we work together, we can do virtually anything to help students. The Foundation for SCPS is here to provide extra resources to support high-need students as well as fund initiatives that make SCPS a world-class, premier national school district. As our direct support charity, all donations to the Foundation stay in Seminole County to support programs like Teacher & Employee of the Year, Tools 4 Seminole Schools, STEM education, and Senior Scholarships.
Our SCPS Workplace Giving Campaign is from October 18 – 29, 2021. Please see below for more details about the campaign. We need your help more than ever and I hope you’ll join me in our 2021 Workplace Giving Campaign to accomplish great things for our students.
Ms. Serita Beamon
Seminole County Public Schools
What is the Foundation?
The Foundation is the SCPS direct support charity and has raised over $50 million to support SCPS students and staff since 1987. Each year, SCPS employees generously donate over $80,000 through Workplace Giving. This has a huge impact on the programs we are able to support in SCPS. We encourage employees to donate to the Foundation through Workplace Giving so we can impact what matters to them. 90% of all our funding goes directly to programs, which is significantly above the national benchmark.
How do I sign up to give?
- Donate HERE thru payroll deduction
- Text SCPS to 243725 to give a one-time gift.
- Mail a check payable to The Foundation for SCPS and notate “Workplace Giving” to 400 E. Lake Mary Blvd., Sanford, FL 32773.
GAME ON! Friendly Workplace Giving Competition
Winners of two contests will receive $250 donation to their school and complimentary afternoon refreshments for the team…
- Site with the highest % of group donating will be a winner!
- Site with highest % increase of donors over year prior will be a winner!
In addition, all new donors who complete payroll deduction will be entered to win one of 4 gift cards.
Where Does My Contribution Go?
Contributions support Seminole County Public Schools in the Foundation’s three priority areas:
- Remove barriers that keep children from coming to school ready to learn
- Provide resources in classrooms and enhance student performance
- Help maintain our high performing school district by providing for professional development and recognition of our educators and support staff
What are some Foundation projects I might be familiar with?
- Take Stock in Children mentor and scholarship program for at-risk youth
- Tools 4 Seminole Schools – free school supply store
- Grants for Great Ideas – classroom and school grants
- Arts Alive – supporting the arts at every school
- Student scholarships
- Teacher of the Year and Employee of the Year
- STEM programs such as the Mudwalk and Physics Bus
Current Workplace Giving Donors
If you are currently participating in payroll deduction and have no changes, you do NOT need to complete the pledge form again this year. If you did have a break in employment, you will need to complete a pledge form.
If you would like to change or stop your deduction, complete the pledge form and update the amount you wish to donate on the pledge form.
How Can I Learn How To Use Foundation Resources?
Visit the SCPS Insider or www.FoundationSCPS.org to learn more.
Additional Questions?
Contact Racheal Fernandez, Business & Communication Assistant at fernanrz1@scps.k12.fl.us or 50180.
Impact Videos
Watch the videos to learn more about how your donations are helping enhance education in Seminole County Public Schools.