(SANFORD, Fla.) April 25, 2018 – The Foundation for Seminole County Public Schools announces Tools 4 Seminole Schools, the new name of their free teacher store. This program of the Foundation, formerly known as A Gift for Teaching – Seminole, offers Seminole County Public Schools teachers an opportunity to “shop” for classroom supplies and materials at no cost to them.
Teachers often spend as much as $1,000 of their own money buying supplies for their students and materials for their classrooms. Over half of Seminole County’s student population qualify for the free or reduced meals program, making the need for help district-wide. Families are struggling to provide the basics, meaning many times their household budgets do not cover backpacks and school supplies. Our store collects, stores and distributes school supplies and classroom materials to help alleviate this burden from teachers and low-income parents. The store has everything from pencils, crayons, notebooks and even underwear. Our goal is to ensure all students have the supplies needed to be in school ready to learn.
The store opened in 2010 in partnership with A Gift for Teaching. Over the years, the store has grown to meet the growing needs of Seminole County students. While The Foundation Board is extremely grateful for A Gift for Teaching’s partnership over the years, they recently voted to make our store independent effective May 2, 2018. The independence allows the store to apply for additional funding and ensure the students of Seminole County Public Schools are getting the supplies they need. “We’re excited about our new name and the opportunities it brings!” stated Becky Miller, Store Supervisor, “We’re able to provide the same great services to our students and teachers while ensuring our funding efforts directly benefit Seminole County Public Schools.”
The store is funded through The Foundation and primarily supported by grants, corporate giving and individual donors. The store also hosts an annual supply drive every summer to ensure the right supplies get to the students most in need at each school. Local businesses, community organizations and individuals collect thousands of schools supplies to keep the shelves stocked all year long.
To find out how you can support Tools 4 Seminole Schools and the students and teachers of Seminole County Public Schools, please visit www.foundationscps.org or call the 407.320.7768.